
Women in Intellectual Property

Joan Mill, Executive Vice President, EMEA Sales of CPA Global, discusses women in IP with Ideas Matter.

Feasymotion - Ideas Matter Interview

Ideas Matter talk to Lubos Omelina Ph.D about how gamification and digital technology are driving innovation in physical rehabilitation.

Cronos - Ideas Matter Interview

Interview with Wouter Baetens from Cronos who presented their three-dimensional, holographic application programs at the EU Digital Festival in Brussels.

Intellectual Property: Substantiating Innovation

Brian Hinman, Chief Intellectual Property Officer at Royal Philips talks to Ideas Matter about how intellectual property promotes innovation across small companies, large companies and universities.

Brewie - Ideas Matter Interview

A do-it-yourself beer making machine from Budapest’s Brewie company was one of the thousands of new tech innovations on display at the CEBIT Fair in Hannover, Germany this year. Ideas Matter’s interview with Brewie co-founder and CEO Marcell Pal highlights this start-up company’s innovations, and how the company is using intellectual property to help fund, protect and commercialise these clever ideas.

Ideas Matter - Haydn Evans World IP Day

Ideas Matter interview CPA Global’s Haydn Evans, who explains how innovation is getting faster, intellectual property (IP) protection is used more often and in more diverse ways, and IP management is becoming more efficient and moving to the Cloud.